Diponegoro: The Complete Libretto
Written by Dipondgoro and sung as libretto in the production
translated into English from Javanese by Kathryn Emerson, Jakarta.
Verses 1-2 in Sinom metre :
(from The History of Dipanegara in the land of Ngyogyakarta Adiningrat, Volume I)
A poem in sinom verse serves as our opening,
With the intent to preserve,
In His Own Words: Sardono Reflects on Diponegoro
Diponegoro is a performance that reconstructs Prince Diponegoro’s journey that sparked off what became known as the War of Diponegoro (1825-1830). The wide support of the people, the large number of victims, the huge costs, and the charismatic leadership of Diponegoro make this war one of Indonesia’s most popular symbols of resistance.
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